Sunday, 7 April 2013

A book review. Ish

It's not really a book review at all. It's a list of the things I love most about D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover, which I am listening to on audiobook.

1. The way they talk about their 'crisis' for an orgasm.

2. Listening to the intimacies of a love affair being explained in a broad Yorkshire accent.

3. When Connie is being described as young and virile and, in amongst it all, her breasts are said to be 'longish.'

4. The way he talks about her bum as her 'tail.'

5. The gamekeeper's long rant about 'lesbians,' which leads me to think lesbians must have been something different in 1929. For example, he talks about how he hates lesbians because when he sleeps with a lesbian, they are really selfish in bed. Surely a lesbian, in our sense of the word, wouldn't be sleeping with him at all?

6. Connie's constant need for reassurance that makes me want to tell her to shut up; "You do love me, don't you?" "Don't you want me?" "Don't you love me?" "Tell me you love me?" "Do you love me?"

7. Ivy Boulton's long rambling descriptions of her husband, Ted, and how he died and how he was a miner and how she loved him.

8. The way Connie is said to have a 'mound of Venus' and the gamekeeper talks about his 'John Thomas.' Brilliant.

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