Ok, so I found out a few things recently. One is that there are things called Blogger Awards which are awarded by fellow bloggers when they think you’re doing a great job. And the other is that I have been nominated for one!
Thanks to David McGowan for the huge compliment he paid me by awarding me the Versatile Blogger award! You can find him here – http://davidmcgowanauthor.com. His blog is perfect for aspiring writers like myself, although he has actually written and published his novel, as opposed to mine which languishes, unwritten and ever-changing in my mind.
I now need to tell David seven things about myself, which by default means I tell everyone who reads this post the seven things. So I must choose my facts carefully… Hmm… Ok, here goes….
1. I once wet myself on stage when I was about three years old. It was at my ballet class and we were doing a show, in which there were lilies and bees. I remember wanting to be a bee. They had lovely stripey dresses and I WANTED one. I was made a lily instead and I got a bit of stage fright when I couldn’t see my Nanna. So I wet myself.
2. I moved to Africa when I was 18 on a gap year. I lived in Namibia on the edge of a desert, running a local town newspaper and teaching.
3. I grew up in Liverpool but lost my accent when I lived in Namibia because no-one could understand me!
4. I had a transverse colon volvulus last year, a condition so rare that less than 100 cases have been reported worldwide and I was written up in a medical journal.
5. I wish I could write like F Scott Fitzgerald.
6. Jo March (Little Women), Jay Gatsby and Jane Eyre are my literary heroes.
7. I went to the same university as Enid Blyton (not at the same time, obviously).
Ok, phew. Next bit, nominating 15 other bloggers for the Versatile Blogger award. I spent some time wondering if I’m supposed to specifically pick people for the versatility of their blog or just do ones that I like?! As 15 is about the number I follow regularly, its not like I have loads to choose from or eliminate on the basis of versatility. So I shall just tell you about the ones I like best!
1. Bariatric Beginnings – One woman’s struggles with things we probably all think about from time to time. I like following her journey and her posts are well written.
2. Bikram Butterflies – This woman is amazing! She can’t enough of that Bikram Yoga! She’s done something like a million year Bikram challenge (it seems) yet always makes her posts interesting and funny.
3. Truth and Cake – It does what it says on the tin. Well written and good fun. Her post, Heaven Is A Place Called Whole Foods, made me laugh til I thought I’d burst.
4. BermudaOnion – book reviews and writing. I get a lot of really great reads from her reviews. I also look forward to her Wondrous Words Wednesday.
5. Live to Write, Write to Live – a group of New Haven-based writers take turns to write a peice or answer questions. Always interesting and great for advice on getting into writing.
6. The Waiting – Pre- and post-baby arrival. Lovely and will appeal to recent parents, of which I am not one (thank god!). It is well written and honest.
7. Rantings of an Amateur Chef – Great for recipes of all kinds. Posts are very regular so there’s always something new to get stuck into.
8. The Rabbit Hole – She keeps her blog like a journal, which is quite refreshing and it’s not always themed, more like a wander through her thoughts (she hates Spam, for instance), which I always enjoy reading.
9. Omnomalicious – Amazing amazing recipes of all kinds. As a dessert baker, my favourites are the Pistachio Cake and Groovy Blondies
10. Crime Dime – Great blog about the criminal justice system and interesting social commentary. Their Children and Youth section is particularly good.
11. The Little Loaf – Stunning recipes, my current favourite being the Chocolate, Caramel And Peanut ‘Snickers’ Layer Cake that I have yet to make but spend a lot of time daydreaming about.
12. My Baking Empire – Lots of fabulous recipes, this is one I’m keeping in the back of my mind to make sometime soon – Cookies And Cream Frosting
13. Marion Retires – Really great blog about someone who decided to start her retirement with a bang, by going on an epic travelling adventure. I only discovered her right at the end of her trip so I’m hoping she will keep her blog up now that she has returned, given that she writes so well.
14. Towels Packed, Will Travel – Fabulous blog about a two year African adventure. I always read this one with twinges of jealousy.
15. Our Homeschool Journey – Again, not planning children myself, but I love this blog because it’s so lovely and imaginative. I often wonder where the ideas keep coming from!
Ok, I think I’m ready to go. Thanks again to David McGowan for the nomination and I hope you take some time to check out a few of the blogs I’ve mentioned as I really enjoy reading them and reckon you will too. There’s something in there for everyone.
P.S. 23 days till exams! Today’s revision topic is the mysteriously named ‘Three Certainties’ in Equity and Trusts law.
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