Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Hairy Dogmother

I haven't done one of these in ages, so I thought it was time to check in with everyone's favourite magazine. You guessed it! Chat!

You know it's going to be a good one when the front cover has stories such as 'Bow WOW! My dog's got wheely ace skills' (next to a picture of a dog on a scooter), 'Filmed on the loo by PERVERT in LADIES' PANTS' and '13 DAY PREGNANCY THEN I HAD TWINS!'

I've noticed they've got a real thing about animal stories. They ran a 'Mystic Mutt' feature for a while, which was amazing. The psychic dog would answer letters from troubled animals, who wrote in about their problems. That's right. You read it right. Animals. Would write in. To a magazine. And the psychic dog. Psychic, that's right. Psychic dog. Would answer them. With advice. Or messages from the other realm.

This week's Chat has the fairly standard stories, you know, a sex change here, a brutal attack there, girl kept in a cage, I'm in love with my granddad, I've got/had a rare disease but am not giving up hope, all those type of things. But by far the best this week is a story called 'Hairy Dogmother To Cute Cubs,' and the summary is "Abandoned by their real mum, I've adopted a trio of tigers." I read on, expecting it to be about a woman who was in Thailand on holiday, maybe, at an animal sanctuary or something, she loves animals, there were some tigers, she loved them, she stayed and adopted them and now they are her life, she loves them.

I'm reading...

"'Meow,' the hungry bundle of fluff beside me cried. I nudged their striped fur and gave them a lick.."

Hold on, she's going to get fur in her mouth, that's gross, that's how diseases spread. Silly woman...

"You see, I'd recently given birth to a litter of pups, so I had lots of milk to go around.."

Wait a minute!! Woah there! The penny drops! It's not a woman writing this! It's a dog! Well, it's not really. Obviously. But the article is written from a dog's point of view!

This is mental. It's mental. What was the author thinking. When I look to the end of the article, sure enough, there it is. "By Duoduo the dog, from Qingdao, China."

So not only can the dog apparently write, he is also bilingual! He's a Chinese dog who has written an article for an English magazine.

He's also a funny dog. Check these little puns out = "You may think I'm barking mad..." "It could have been a complete cat-astrophe."

I'm sorry, I can't write anymore at the moment. My mind is reeling. I need to get a cup of tea and sit still for a while.

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