(This is the first time I've ever worked out how to put a banner for an award up, very exciting! Apparently you just copy and paste.....)
The rules are that I answer the 11 questions posed to me. Then I nominate 11 other blogs and pose 11 questions to them.
1. If you were money, where would you most want to be spent?
I would most want to be spent on some amazing food. I would feel well spent then. Something unusual and very tasty. Some lovely truffle oil, maybe.
2. What is the most important quality in a friend?
Calmness. I'm not into the whole friends-with-drama scene. I like a calm life. My brain doesn't operate well with drama. People who are into the dramatic thing, having awful boy/girlfriends, staying in jobs they hate etc. Then moaning about it. It's irritating. I'm outta there!
3. What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?
Chill out. Mind you, I like looking back on the anxiety-fraught bad decisions of my teenage years. I would tell me to stop worrying about small stuff because I move to Africa when I leave school and things start to make sense. Life starts happening.
4. What did you think about life when you were 16 compared to now?
I don't think I really thought about 'life', as a concept. I just went to school, went to work, went to clubs. Now I think life is about finding things you like doing and trying to do them as often as possible. And it's about finding people you like and spending as much time with them as possible.
5. Chocolate or lollies? Why?
I think chocolate. Because there is a little specialist chocolate shop near where I live and their stuff takes A LOT of beating.
6. Would you rather be a man who looked like a lady or a lady who looked like a man?
Man who looked like a lady.
7. What is the best book you’ve ever read?
It's a toss up between The Great Gatsby and Tender Is The Night by Fitzgerald, The Ginger Tree by Oswald Wynd and Ahab's Wife by Sena Jeta Naslund.
8. What is 27 x 16? ( Don’t use a calculator!)
Well, 20 x 10 is 2000. And 20 x 6 is 120. So 20 x 16 is 2120. Now 7 x 10 is 70 and 7 x 6 is 42. So 7 x 16 is 112. So, technically, 27 x 16 should be 2232.... Did I get it right?
9. What is your favourite thing to cook?
Italian food. O, and banana bread.
10. If you could invent anything, what would it be?
A way to insert more hours into a day but without getting tired.
11. Why do you blog?
Because I like it. (See question 4)
So next up, my nominations are as follows:
1. Maggie of SomeoneFatHappened. Yet again. Because she said I can clean her yard for chocolate cereal bars. Four boxes of them.
2. My Little Italian Kitchen. What's not to love? The clue's in the title. This blog is one of my favourite recent discoveries.
3. Read Stuff With Me - this blog covers anything and everything and, predictably, is a space which encourages reading, which is a very admirable pursuit, I'd say.
4. Barcelona Street Scraps - Great photos. I love taking time out of my day to browse around the posts on this blog.
5. Reflections of a Book Addict - if nothing else, this is for recently reviewing a book I've been wondering about for ages and helping me make up my mind!
6. CyclingEurope.org - a great blog about all things bike-y. His book, Good Vibrations, about cycling to Italy was an obvious winner with me (I'm into all things Italy since my trip to Rome).
7. Fitness and Frozen Grapes, again. The great pictures of food, the impending move to the Big Apple, the Downton Abbey love. It's all going on in this blog.
8. Little Commas - Because everything in this blog is beautiful. Everything. It's all very very beautiful. Fact.
9. The Usual Bliss - Her Bliss Bits posts are lovely, that's why. That's not the whole reason, but it's a large part of it.
10. The Idiot Speaketh - Because I think he needs cheering up after his wife gave him an old M&M as a congratulations....
11. Canadian Hiking Photography - This blog was a recent find and the photos are stunning. Check them out.
And my 11 questions are:
1. You go to the fridge and all you find are some garlic bulbs, celery sticks, marmalade, an aubergine, double cream and chilli chocolate. What do you make?
2. What is your favourite part of the day?
3. You can only listen to one song for the rest of your life. Which one is it?
4. How do you feel about Paulo Coelho?
5. How many of the wonders of the world have you seen?
6. What is your favourite place in the world?
7. How long do you stick with a book you're not enjoying before you give up? Do you give up?
8. Do you think Kylie Minogue should make a comeback?
9. I'd like some good life advice. Do you have any?
10. I'm thinking of taking a minibreak for my next birthday. Any ideas?
11. Zombie films... Love or hate?
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