As if it weren't bad enough that we were being given Crocs to wear, by the time it got around to ordering mine, there were only yellow and purple left to choose from! To save getting confused, we were each to pick a different colour, so we'd be able to tell which pair were ours. The more ordinary colours had been picked already, the brown, blue, black and grey, which, unless you looked closely, could kind of look like an ordinary pair of shoes. So I had a dull purple or a bright yellow as my options. I picked the purple, it was quite dark and not that noticeable. We ordered them online and then when they arrived, they were obviously an eye-catching bright purple. Obviously. The type of colour which immediately draws your eye.
I was extremely self conscious about wearing them at first. I'd point them out, jokingly, as though I was desperate for people to know that I was aware how idiotic they looked, but they were just my work shoes! Honest! I didn't buy them out of choice! They're just my work shoes! Don't judge me!
Occasionally, I'd put a purple t-shirt on, absent-mindedly and then get to work, change into my Crocs and realise that it looked like I'd organised my outfit that way, to match my Crocs.
Then I started getting casual about them, wearing them home after work, or to the shops. Sometimes I'd go and see a friend straight from work and I'd still have the Crocs on. By the time I realised, I'd just shrug and keep going, hoping that the friendship was strong enough to withstand the extreme ugliness and the general impression they gave, that my feet were ginormous flippers.
Before I knew it, they'd sneaked a place in my line up of shoes and demanded to be considered as the shoe I might choose when I got ready in the morning. Even on days I wasn't working. There they were, the hugest purplest ugliest things I'd ever come across, with big holes in them, which made rain a nightmare, and with a considerable layer of dirt around the toe area that I was too lazy to clean.
And yet.
And yet they are MY Crocs. They are my big ugly purple Crocs.
And I love them.
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