The woman doing my hair was called Katy. She seemed nice enough but a few things were going on yesterday to prevent me becoming best friends with her:
1. I had quite a sore throat.
2. I had just hurriedly purchased a Christmas dress which had the potential to be totally the wrong thing for me, given that I imagine myself to be a tall stylish supermodel when I am actually small, non-descript and possessing rather large thighs.
3. I'm very aware of the forced nature of conversations in hairdressers and thus, find them quite uncomfortable. It's like chaining a bear up and making it dance.
4. Becoming best friends takes time, something I did not have on my side.
And so, because of all these things, the conversation with Katy The Hairdresser went like this:
Katy: Hiya, I'm Katy. I'll be doing your hair today. What type of thing are you looking for?
Me: It just needs a trim really, to get all the dry ends off.
Katy: O yeh, I can see the split ends. When did you last get your hair done?
Me: Ummm. Don't remember.
Katy: So do you want me to put the layers on after I've cut it?
Me: I don't mind. It's just hair, isn't it? Do what you think will look nice.
Katy: Ok. Shall I...?
Me: Just do whatever you think is best. I trust you.
Katy: What about if I...?
Me: Anything. Whatever you'd like.
*we walk to the sinks and she starts washing my hair*
Katy: Is the water warm enough?
Me: Yeh thanks.
Katy: So are you local to the area?
Me: Yeh, I just work up the road.
*she finishes and we walk to a chair, where I sit*
Katy: What are you up to today? Christmas shopping?
Me: Just getting a dress for Christmas day.
Katy: Shall I put some layers in around the front?
Me: Yeh, go for it.
Katy: Ok, are you happy with that?
Me: It's great. Thanks so much.
Because this conversation was all that filled the hour it took to get my hair done, I had plenty of time to think. To think about my hair. Every so often I pay attention to my hair but I mainly just kind of let it get on with its own thing. Yesterday's thought process went something like this:
Maybe I should cut all my long hair off next year? Who has long hair anymore? You can't do anything with it. Look at all these people getting their hair done, it's all short and funky. Mine's just long and boring. Yeh, I'll definitely get it cut all off next year. I remember when I got it cut really really short. That was fun. Maybe I'll do that? Have a boy cut? Maybe I'll get a colour? My hair's not brown or blonde. It's just inbetweeny. Boring. O wait, there's a girl with long hair which looks really lovely. Maybe I'll keep my long hair then? Yeh, I've got to think about how I'll tie it up for work if it's really short. But colour. That woman's hair over there is a nice dark brown. Or perhaps something outrageous like bright red? Omygodomygod, there's soooo much to think about!
And so my hair, which has previously just been 'that stuff on top of my head,' dominated most of my thoughts yesterday! I still haven't decided what I will do about it.
In other news, look what arrived in the post!
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