Saturday, 15 December 2012

Of COURSE there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime

I just have to say something which has been on my mind for a while now. That song, Feed The World, which I thought was Free The World until really recently. It's ridiculous.

"And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime."
Duuuuh! Of course there won't. What that got to do with anything? Is that fact supposed to evoke pity in me?

O no, they won't have snow, they must be soooo gutted. I bet all that sunshine and warm weather is really bugging them and that they wish, in their hardship, that they had snow. It's so hard living in a sunny country.

It's the worst thing ever. If, as we are led to believe by the song, everyone in Africa is sitting around starving and poverty-stricken, do you really think SNOW, of all things, is going to help the situation? Now they're starving, poverty-stricken and dying of pneumonia.

As an aside, there also "won't be snow" in Australia this Christmastime but they can think again if they're expecting a load of food parcels because of it!

The next bit, "The greatest gift they'll get this year is life." Talk about talking down to people! Like we're whispering with a doctor about a cancer ridden old lady. Africa isn't one massive country unable to do anything for itself or work out how to get food. If you'd have told any of the people in the town in Namibia where I lived that the greatest gift they could expect was to not die, I'm pretty sure they would have found it hilarious. They were people like you or I and they were doing ok. Of course there are places of extreme poverty in many countries in Africa but as a whole, it's just not possible to write one song, applicable to all, about how everyone is starving. It's really offensive.

And lastly, "Do they know it's Christmastime at all?" To be honest, I don't think it's very high on the priority list. A lot of African countries aren't Christian. It makes absolutely no sense to say, 'O, isn't it awful? They don't have any celebrations at Christmas.' It's like a Muslim country singing a song about how awful it is for us in Britain and "Do they know it's Ramadan time at all?" Well, no, I don't know when Ramadan is, not because I'm terribly unfortunate and you must raise money for me. Just because it's not something I celebrate anyway. So to say about Africa, do they know it's Christmas - probably some of them don't. What on earth has that got to do with how poor they are or aren't?

And that is my rant over and done with. I've been needing to let that out for years over this stupid stupid song.

Thank you.

PS I've just remembered that there was a town further inland from Luderitz, where I lived, which did get snow! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Bob Geldof. Was it Bob Geldof?

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