So I checked in with the world wide web for some impressive 300-related world records. The first thing I came across was this brilliant record of having over 300 dogs' teeth brushed all at once. What's not to love?! Unfortunately, I am 312 dogs short of being able to even attempt this record so that's out.
Another great 300 record is the British man who holds the record for putting on the most pair of pants. He wanted to be the first man to put on more than 300 pairs and he has achieved it in quite a spectacular way. Check out the photo of him. Unfortunately, I think I don't own enough Y-fronts to even attempt this. Even if I wanted to just put all my clothes on, as a pretend attempt at this, I don't think there would be 300.
My next thought was of food. What could I do that would be food related and about the number 300? I found this, in my Google search, which looks epic and, were I a fan of crabcakes, I'd be all ready to make my own 300lb snack. Unfortunately I am not so I shall remain, happily, crabcake-less.
And then I found the ultimate world record holder. In fact, he holds so many records, he has the world record for holding so many records, over 300! I thought that if I started on his list, then I could possibly get 300 world records too, to celebrate my 300th post! There are a lot of underwater ones, like pogo stick jumping, juggling and unicycling which, so far as I know, probably wouldn't be allowed in my local pool. So those are out.
He holds the record for balancing a pool cue on his finger and walking the longest distance whilst at the pyramids in Egypt. As I'm in England, that one is also out. I did find a few I can attempt though. Here goes.
Attempt no. 1 - Walking up stairs for 1 minute while balancing a book on my head.
It was easier than I thought it would be, perhaps due to the fact that I had a soft back book, which flopped onto the shape of the top of my head and I hardly had to try at all. I got a bit cocky though and looked down to check where the step was and dropped it after 103. The record is currently 122 so I've got a bit of work to so on that one.
Attempt no. 2 - Most golf balls picked up with toes.
I spent the entire minute trying to grip any of the balls and wishing for longer toes. I ended up with a grand total of zero.
For my last attempt, I decided I would attempt to sit on the sofa reading Narnia for the longest time ever, for 300 hours! That is soon to be thwarted though, as I have work in two hours.... O well. I tried....
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