If any of you work in an office, you probably don't like filing. Most people I know don't like it. It's tedious, takes forever and it's so easy to get to the end and realise you've done something wrong and everything's in the wrong place.
And that's why I can't explain the fact that I love filing. I love it. I love it when there is a pile of paperwork chaos and you come along and impose order on it, give everything a home, in a nice neat way. I once did some work with a project which had only just been set up. There was a small office space, some empty filing cabinets, a computer and the biggest disorganised mess I've ever seen in an office. Did I think 'O no! What a nightmare!' No! I rubbed my hands with glee and thought 'I can't WAIT to file all this stuff!'
I made dividers for in the filing cabinet. I looked through every individual piece of paper and worked out which category it belonged in. I bought marker pens and highlighters and gave each piece of paper a brief description so I wouldn't have to read everything again to work out what it was about. I worked late. I came early. I found muscles I never had, lifting stacks of paperwork. I shunned company or food or even drinks. I HAD A PROJECT! AND I WANTED TO COMPLETE IT!
It probably took about three weeks of half days here and there as I had a full time job somewhere else. After everything had gone into a place in the physical filing cabinets, I then got started on the electronic filing. I think I might love electronic filing even more. I have a certain way that I name files, which I wrote up on an instruction sheet, should someone else dare to step inside MY office to use the computer and try to save something which didn't have the proper name format. God forbid!
My memory is quite good when I'm in project mode because I'm really into what I'm doing. So even after there was order imposed and it looked like a normal office, with paperwork all in a proper place, I would get calls on my mobile, while I was at my other job, asking me where the piece of paper for the business bank account, with details of the loan agreement was. And I knew. I just knew. "Second drawer down in the large blue cabinet next to the computer. It's near the middle, and the tab says Business Banking Natwest." It was just there, in my memory.
Omygoodness, I think I need to file something! Writing this post has really excited me!
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