Monday, 2 April 2012

What runs through my head when I go for a walk

Ok, I'm going to go for a walk now. O but maybe it's too cold. Shall I read my book for a bit longer? No, go for a walk. But, erm, my comfy trousers for walking in aren't washed. Ok, Laura, just wear different trousers.

Right, I'm out! I'm out of the house. I'm off. Uphill. I've forgotten my earphones, which is a disaster, I can't listen to any music. Just keep going, it's not that big a problem. Why are these children getting in my way? Can't they see I'm walking?

I'm a bit bored now. It's only been three and a half minutes, just get to the river then walk home. I don't want to. Just do it. Ok then. I'm warming up actually, this is quite nice. My legs are a bit bored of going uphill though. Where's the river? It's so far! I can't be bothered! I think I've done long enough now. Ten minutes is more than enough! Yeh, it'll be fine, I need to go home and study anyway.

O look! There's the river! It's so pretty. Aaaaahh, I'm going to at least get to the river. O look how the sun reflects off the river. I'm going to walk along it for a while. I love walking next to the river. I love walking. Look at the lovely children, I'll just stop to let them pass. I wonder if I could walk alllll day? I could go on a walking holiday somewhere! Trek a mountain range or something. I'd be so happy. Could I give up my job and just walk all day, every day? Just keep going next to the river for the whole day and see where I end up, and get the train home or something? Let me take a few pictures, what a lovely view. Quickly post them onto Facebook so people think I'm like one of those naturey people who's at one with the earth and loves exercising.

I'll walk to the next bridge I reckon, cross it, then walk back. That'll be nice. Ah, it's so lovely outside. Get rid of the jumper because I'm quite warm now. Um, where's the next bridge actually? I've been going for ages and I can't even see it. Hm. I can't turn back, that's like admitting defeat. Must. Keep. Going. It's actually the afternoon now, omygoodness I might die on this walk. It's been hours now! I'll probably be found by another walker in a few months time, in a heap at the side of the path, exhausted and surviving off scraps that birds and badgers have brought me to keep me alive.

That's it. I'm calling someone who knows the river better than me. Sure enough, they confirm that the next bridge is probably another half hour walk away. But I can't turn back, that's out of the question. I've reached the bridge. Ugh. Cross it. Now have to walk the whole distance back again! This is the worst walk I've ever been on! I hate walking.

Ok, I'm walking back, speed up a bit, it's homeward bound. It will be ok. My legs are extremely bored by now. It doesn't seem too far on the way back actually. There's the bridge near home! Woop! I'm close. Ahhhh, over the bridge and bye bye river, I'm off home for a much needed cup of tea. I can slow to a stroll now. Omygoodness, I've been out for almost FIVE hours! Oops. Well, it'll be fine, the study isn't going anywhere. I feel quite good actually, I'm not in that much of a rush to get home. What a lovely day and what a lovely walk. That was sooo nice. I really enjoyed that. Mmmmm, time for a cup of tea.


  1. Here's a thought:
    "If you would grow great and stately,
    You must try to walk sedately."
    (Robert Louis Stevenson)

  2. I'm far from sedate when I walk!

  3. Guess you'll have to forget the "great and stately" then!
