This was apparently the thing to say while my friend was growing up, to protect you from getting 'got'. For example, when you're playing It or Tag and someone runs close by to 'get' you, you just say 'Vaynites!' and they can't get you. Genius.
You can also say 'Injections!' and it has the same effect, so I'm told. It often gets shortened so saying 'Jections!' also guarantees you immunity.
I remember saying 'Bagzee' when I was younger, to get extra immunity from stuff. Like if you're picking who's going to be It, you could say 'Bagzee not It!' and that would be fine. You were immune then, cause you'd said the sacred word, Bagzee.
My brother and I made up our own word, which was a slight variation on Bagzee. We said Begznee. For some reason, I remember really clearly being on holiday somewhere, and we were sharing a bunk bed and there was a little sink in the room and my brother was saying everything with Begznee before it and I was a mess, I couldn't stop laughing! He said "You take take your Begznee toothbrush and you put the Begznee tap on...." It was the funniest thing I had ever heard anyone say in my entire life!
Wouldn't it be good if you could still get immunity from things as an adult by saying the immunity word?
"Laura, I did the dinner, do you mind washing up?"
"VAYNITES! Vaynites not doing the dishes! Yesssss! I said vaynites! In YOUR face! Don't have to do them! Woooooo! I'm off to watch TV, enjoy doing the dishes!"
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