Monday, 18 June 2012

The big 100!

Can you believe it? This is blog post number 100! It has been an interesting learning experience. I originally started it because I was having one of those days. We've all had them. I went for a little walk. I had a huge essay to write and I thought I'd take a little walk and stretch my legs before I started. I walked to the river, intending to potter to the next bridge, cross it, then return. And I walked. And I walked....

And I walked...

And walked....

And kept walking a little bit more.

And I couldn't see any bridges. I had been out for hours. And my brain got ticking. I thought about my essay. I panicked. I'd never get it finished in time. I had no idea what to write. There was no way I'd get 4000 words out of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2006.

I had thought it'd be right up my street when I chose the question. Then I read the Act. It was not juicy and interesting. There was no gossip to be had. It was rules and regulations. Wordy ones. I worried about not finding it interesting as it meant my 'life plan' might be in danger. I was worried that my back-up life plan consisted of coffee making and that I'd one day be really old and grey, with rollers in my hair, and a Zimmerframe, standing behind a coffee machine, steaming milk. Forever.

I had a bit of a panic. How can I be approaching thirty and not be in charge of the world already?! I was slacking.

So, for the three and a half hours it took me to get to the next bridge (!) and the hour it took to get to a town centre on the other side, I felt pretty annoyed at myself. I couldn't believe I'd been trundling along doing 'not much' for so long. And I went into a bookshop because that always makes me feel better and somehow found myself holding a book called The Happiness Project.

The author talks about being honest with yourself about the things you find fun (having a book and free time, for example) and doing things you enjoy. She is a writer and enjoys writing so she starts a blog. I thought that I'd start one aswell as I enjoy writing, although I hadn't done any in years. I'd sort of been contemplating doing one for ages too but couldn't think what I'd write about. And that's how this came about.

There have been highs (getting to read Chat magazine and call it 'research'), the have been lows (eating everything in sight during revision). There have been silly moments (the invention of the catterpony), there have been serious moments (...wait a minute.... have there?). There have been various themes (freedom, the alphabet, Chat magazine, the way we speak).

But mostly, there has been.... lots of words.... and a high proportion of nonsense.

I am proud of my nonsense. The Happiness Project book introduced me to the idea of being honest with yourself about what you're good at and what you enjoy. And as much as I wish it were the opposite, making social commentary on the current political climate is not what I want to write about at the moment.

So, here's to the next 100 posts! I wonder what I'll be saying then???

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