Ok, let's start again and hope I don't miss anything out.
So yesterday was my first day of getting excited. I wore a yellow dress, a red jumper and a blue coat and I went on the Jubilee line in the underground. Actually, that's incorrect. Maybe I should stern from the top.
I donned my yellow dress in the spirit of Her Maj and set off for work. Now I'm bot sure where I've got this idea that the Queen wears yellow dresses from. Does she wear them often? Or had I seem one picture ONCE where she was wearing yellow and I've got it in my mind that she ALWAYS wears them? Actually, we mustn't count out what's quite probably happened. I've got my yellow dress washed and ready to wear anyway and am trying to find a way it seem regal.
Anyway, I knew people would notice and compliment me so I got ready for the tidal wave. I prepared a suitable demure Queen-like response and waited. Would you believe it, not ONE person said 'Wow, Laura, that yellow dress is magnificent. You know something? You really look like the Queen in that dress.' No-one! SHOCKED! I was just shocked. So I started pointing it out to people and got a few 'mmm's. All that effort for an 'mmm'?! I'm starting to think that maybe these people of the 'mmm' variety ought to embrace a getting-excited project of their own.
Also, I shed my red jumper and blue coat early on cause I was quite warm.
Then I was discussing my planned journey across London and a friend said the Victoria line would be much faster.
"But I need to go on the Jubilee line," I protested. "For the Jubilee."
"No, it's ok, because it's the Victoria line. Queen Victoria."
"You're a genius!" said I. "The Victoria line it is!"
It was a long while later before either of us remembered that OF COURSE the Queen is not called Victoria! You know when you just say something without thinking? Then later you suddenly realise what you're going on about?!
Sorry Lizzie, for forgetting your name.
I decided to take the Victoria line anyway because she was a queen of England, so it kind of fits with the theme.
As I was really getting into the whole excitement thing by this point, I leapt onto the train enthusiastically. Kind of. I stepped on with a slight bounce, I guess. I chose a seat and sat down. In my yellow dress. On the Victoria line. Thrilling.
The carriage was about two thirds full. No-one was talking. I took out a book in an excited lively manner and read it. At Euston, two women got on different doors and headed toward the same seat. The lady to my left, with a rucksack and walking shoes, was quite speedy and she easily beat the lady to my right, who, in high heels and small dress, was ill-equipped for the challenge at hand. When she realised she had been beaten, she just passed by at the same speed and pretended she didn't care. I wasn't fooled though. I could see she was gutted.
I was on the train for about six stops and I exited it in much the same excitable way as I had entered it.
And that was my experience of being excited about the Jubilee by going on the Victoria line. It was pretty cool.
So my thoughts about my first day of the experiment are that it's nice being excited about things. It adds a bit of variety. I'll have to put some thought into what I can get excited about next. I'm open to suggestions.
PS Today I am going swimming. This probably doesn't seem very epic but in my world it is. For a girl who hasn't got into a swimming costume in years, it's pretty big news. I'm sure it'll be fine. It's like being told that the next time you go out, you're only allowed to wear your underwear. I'm not used to being so undressed in public! Will spend the next hour or so psyching myself up. Wish me luck!
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