Install solar panels for your water heating
(Going Greener by Simon Gear)
Say it with pixels - save a tree and send an electronic greeting instead.
(The Difference A Day Makes by Karen M. Jones)
The first one, unfortunately, wasn't the best option for me. I had some rubbish news about a friend and felt rubbish so needed things I could do from the sofa, drinking a cup of tea. So, my version of installing a solar panel was getting in touch with a green energy supplier, called Good Energy, and enquiring about switching my gas and electricity to them. All their energy is local and renewable eg wave and wind power. I did the initial stages of giving them my details so that's in motion at least.
The second challenge was easier as it is a good friend's birthday today so I sent him a silly e-card of three pigs singing happy birthday, instead of buying an actual card. Done!
And now onto an award, presented to me by the wonderful JumeiraJames who, coincidentially, lives in an area of Dubai that I lived in when I was a baby.
The rules for this one are as follows:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
Ok, here's my seven things...
1. When I was younger, my favourite chocolate bar was Yorkie. Then they brought out that advert saying 'Not For Girls' so I stopped buying them. That showed them.
2. I don't definitely know the difference between bio and non-bio washing powder.
3. I love wildebeest. I just think they're quite majestic and beautiful.
4. Last night I stayed up quite late doing a jigsaw puzzle.
5. At age 27, I still sometimes put my shoes on the wrong feet. I did it yesterday actually.
6. Today I have a day off. I have been waking up quite early every morning for a little while. To celebrate not having to wake up early, I slept in til 10.20am and am seriously considering eating strawberry cheesecake for breakfast.
7. I don't drink alcohol. Not to make a statement about anything. I just don't. Herbal tea is my preferred drink of choice.
Now for my fifteen nominations. Here goes ...
1. Lovefoodlovefashion - new on the blogging scene but fabulous. I can't understand what took her so long to start!
2. The Waiting - following the adventures and photoshoots of the little one is the backdrop to my days.
3. A Londoner in Dorset - once an adventurer in far off lands, she is now exploring parts of England in her new home. Always something lovely to read here.
4. Fiammisday - beautiful clothes, beautiful shoes. Despite being childless by choice, I sometimes wish I had someone small to dress in these outfits!
5. Bagni di Lucca and Beyond - the first place I look when planning a trip to Italy (Naples in April).
6. Someone Fat Happened - what's not to love about a farting dog accompanying your yoga session or childhood pictures which prompt laughter? All of life is here. Wedding jitters, work frustration, family life.
7. Jump For Joy Project - the perfect pick me up if feeling rubbish or wondering what to do with your life.
8. Campari and Sofa - there is tons to love in this blog (a mutual appreciation of the Tube being one of them) but I think the recent post about the treatment of women is one everyone should read.
9. Blogging For A Good Book - you can never have too many good book recommendations!
10. Our Adventures In Croatia - reading this blog gives me adventure-envy. Lots of beautiful pictures. I must travel more! The recent post on Venice bridges got me planning my next-next trip to Italy (the next one is already planned and waiting to come to fruition!).
11. Ordinary Lisa - just lovely honest writing. If ever there was a blog that encouraged me to notice and appreciate the things and people around me, this would be it.
12. British Museum Blog - loads of great stuff here. They are doing a small series of posts called London in 20 objects which is fascinating. Have a look!
13. Le Zoe Musings - now it might just be the Instagram effect but this woman's life appears to be lived in varying shades of beautiful.
14. Live To Write - Write To Live - if I can't think what to write about or just need some inspiration or writing advice, I don't need to look any further than this blog.
15. Belle Grove Plantation Bed and Breakfast - I have been following this blog almost since I started blogging. The stories this plantation has to tell from the past and the present are amazing. I can't wait to visit, which I will do one day!
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