Well... Sort of... I've been nominated for the Liebster Award. That's basically the same thing, right? Thanks to Maggie Thom for the nomination!
So here we go, let's do this thing.
The Rules of the Award:
1. Post eleven facts about yourself.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven questions for people you’ve nominated.
3. Choose eleven people with fewer than 200 followers to give this award to and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.
11 Facts about me:
1. I had braces on my teeth when I was about twelve. Once I got a scarf stuck on the top ones.
2. Once, my gym knickers fell out of my bag onto my desk in front of the Maths teacher. That was pretty horrific.
3. I totally want to live on a farm.
4. I once went out with a man who got irate if he tried to run in front of me to open a door and I said, "It's ok, I've got it." He said I was emasculating him by not letting him open the door for me!
5. I used to own loads of jodhpurs and tell people I went horse riding a lot. I went about twice ever.
6. I want a chicken in my back garden to get eggs from!
7. I know the man who voiced Pingu.
8. I am going to Italy's Amalfi coast in three weeks and I am very excited!
9. I love walking along the river. Sometimes I dream of just taking a month off work and walking along the river every day until I get to the sea.
10. I once got roared at by a lion in the wild. Epic.
11. My ideal career would be some kind of farmer/baker/pianist/human rights lawyer. Any ideas how I can get those all into one?
11 Questions from Maggie Thom:
1. What makes you smile?
When children are at that stage where they can't quite pronounce things properly but they just sit babbling away to you and it's anyone's guess what they're going on about. Hilarious!
2. What’s your favorite song?
Oo, hard one. Songs I like always remind me of something so it's less about the song, more about the memory. I'm pretty keen on the Lion King soundtrack cause of the Namibia memories.
3. Extrovert or introvert?
4. Singer in the car?
Don't drive.
5. Weirdest thing you’ve ever done?
Made underwear out of lined paper for my barbies. I didn't like how naked they were under their skisuits and thought the pin stripe pattern would look nice.
6. Your favorite dessert?
Oo. Um. Anything Italian and homemade. Homemade panna cotta. Homemade tiramisu. Homemade semifreddo.
7. Best book you’ve ever read?
Tender Is The Night. F. Scott Fitzgerald.
8. Best advice you’ve ever been given?
If you put your thumb and first finger out on both hands, the one which looks like an L is your left.
9. The neatest and best thing you’ve ever done for someone else?
Pass. Too boasty.
10. Something you’ve done that’s a lot of fun?
Spent a day on a farm learning how to make jam, chutney, ketchup and lemon curd.
11. If you could be anyone famous who would that be?
Clive Stafford Smith. He's a lawyer. He's amazing. Look him up.
My 11 nominees:
Blog The House Down - some baking, some eating, some cookies, some spinach.... It's all going on here.
Lovefoodlovefashion - pretty things to look and to taste, what more could you want from a blog?
Greenlightlady - beautiful nature photos. Sometimes I look at the pictures of flowers and sigh, remembering that once, we used to have flowers in England, before the long winter of 2013.
Kindredspirit23 - a lovely man living with the after effects of a stroke three years ago. He's good at fiction too.
The Better Man Project - I just like this blog. It motivates me.
20 Something, Huh? - food for thought in one's second decade.
(un)certainties - life in a foreign land and exiting the world of money for a gift-economy existence. Good luck, guys!
Someone Fat Happened - "When a man is tired of [Maggie's blog], he is tired of life," Samuel Johnson
Dorset Explorer - who knew stories from retirement could be so entertaining?
The Waiting - what?! You're not already following this blog? Come on, get involved. This blog is like a small rabibit in my heart (it will make sense when you get there).
Dan Bohmer - once a soldier in Afghanistan, now a dad at home with a little one on the way soon!
(I forgot about the 200 follower rule here and just picked people I like most. Sorry, Liebster gods.)
My 11 questions for my nominees:
1. Where should I go next on holiday?
2. How do you feel about Michael Buble?
3. Do you think that's really his name or did he just say the word bubble in a French accent and liked it?
4. What is your favourite fairground ride?
5. If we were on the bumper cars, would you bump me? (Bear in mind that I do not enjoy being bumped.)
6. Bungee jumping or skydiving?
7. Tell me an interesting fact about beetles.
8. I've got a friend expecting a baby girl in July. Any name suggestions I can pass on?
9. Do you know anything Abel and Cole? Are they unethical?
10. Do you have a farm I can come and work on?
11. Some friends are getting married in a little while. What should I get them?
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