I had a slightly mental dream again, everyone. Get your dream analysis heads on and figure this one out.
So I was doing a dissertation in the dream. It was about migration and what encourages it, or something like that. I had printed the subject of the dissertation in big purple letters then cellotaped it into a lined pad that I was taking notes on.
Somehow, by who-knows-what genius on my part, I had organised an interview with Prince William and Prince Harry for my research. I met them in a little pub somewhere with one of my friends, I don't know who. This friend had brought along one of her friends who just wouldn't shut up, basically. She was rabbiting on about the environment and the state of the country and what were the princes going to do about it and didn't they have a responsibility and blah blah blah.
At first I let her go on and on because I was hoping she'd give me a go. Eventually I just stopped her and got all stroppy. I was like, "Ok, could you give it a rest? I don't know if you realise but I arranged this meeting. I've got a dissertation due and I need to interview them as part of my research. I mean, these guys don't have very much time so could you let me get on with my stuff now, please?!"
Suitably admonished, she stopped talking but laughed at me a bit. The princes looked a bit surprised at my outburst but told me to start with my questions.
So I flipped to the page in my notepad where I had cellotaped the title of the dissertation and I couldn't find it! It was my turn to talk and I couldn't find, nor remember, the dissertation title! I knew it was something about migration.
I kept trying to ask them stuff from memory, I was going, "O, it's about migration and how we encourage it in this country."
They were going, "Immigration? O yeh, and the benefit system?" The loud mouth sitting next to me kept saying things about immigration and immigrants.
I was getting all annoyed but trying to be polite about it, given that I was chatting to the princes. I was going, "No. Not immigration. Migration. It's not about immigrants as such, it's slightly different."
The princes were waiting for me to tell them what it was about but I was flipping through and through my notepad and couldn't find the dissertation title.
Then they had to go and Prince William took out a notepad and jotted down his expenses, paying for everyone's drinks, then they left.
And then, on the floor, in a pile of papers, I found the dissertation title and I realised it wasn't specific enough. It didn't really have a clear focus. I started to worry about the deadline being in April as it's March now and there's not much time and I didn't have anything written yet.
I text my friend Sophie (who was in the last crazy dream) to ask the due date then I heard someone calling my name and it was another friend Bianca, by some chairs. She waved me over and everyone I went to uni with was there, plus one girl I went to school with. Everyone looked a bit upset and sniffly as it was our last day at university but I just kept thinking about how my dissertation didn't have a focus and what on earth could I write about.
By the chairs but a little way off was a policeman looking stressed. I started imagining his thought process and decided to write my dissertation like a diary of the policeman's thoughts. Then I realised that's more a story than a factual investigation. I played with a few more ideas but couldn't settle on any.
Then my alarm went off. For the first few seconds, I thought about what I could write for my dissertation. Then I remembered I finished studying last year, there was no dissertation. Phew!
Any ideas, people?
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