Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Welcome to the party!

Yes! Yes, everyone! It's my blog's first birthday! I bet you've all been hiding behind furniture waiting for my blog and I to come home from work so you could jump out and yell "SURPRIIIISE!"

Well, thank you. Thank you from both of us. Blog is doing well, learning to walk unassisted and eat with cutlery, all the usual stuff a one year old does. Still a little messy and un-spell-checked if I write whilst sleepy but, yes, well. Hard to remember when she was small and new born. We are both well. Thank you for coming to the party.

We welcome you to our humble abode, here in cyberspace. Do you like how I got the place ready for the party? O, the balloons? All five hundred of them? Yes, I blew them up myself. I am Supermum. No, I didn't let little Blog help me. Blog was busy sticking down pictures of the sky and playing with food.

All these exquisite little snacks which look like they were made by a gourmet chef? O, you flatter me! Yes, it was me. I made them. And the petits fours and lovely mini tarte au citron? Yes, those are mine too. Har har. I just knocked them up in ten minutes. It was nothing, really.

My dress? Yes, it's one of Viv's. I mean Vivienne Westwood, of course. I call her Viv. She loves me calling her that. It's like a little private joke.  And the bag is Dolce & Gabbana obviously. I know, haha. I look great, don't I?! And I just came from work like this. I'm dressed down if anything!

What's that you say? This is the best party you've ever been too? Really?! Well, yes, that is understandable. Fab. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

O, Blog? Where's little Blog? I dunno. In a corner somewhere. It's all about me, really, isn't it?

O, is it not? Is it really about little Blog? Ok, little Blog. You take the limelight. You would like to give a little speech? But all you do is talk, don't you want to give it a rest? Ok, go on then. Do your bloody speech then.

Blog: *clears throat* Hello, everybody! Thank you all for coming! Thank you for supporting me over this past year. I'd like to say things like, "It's been hard and I almost gave up and thanks for keeping me going" but in actual fact, I've never almost-given-up. It's just been loads of fun. I've never made numbers a priority. I've always just spoken my mind and talked about things I wanted to. It's a nice compliment, however, when you see that people click 'Like' every so often, or even make a comment. Oo, the commenting. What lovely fun. I've made what I'd consider real friends via that little box underneath the posts that encourages people to share their thoughts! Ah, how lovely. And now, everybody, dig in! Grab a canape! Have a glass of bubbly!


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