Yaya: "Excuse me Auwa."
(Now I've always believed that the correct response to 'Excuse me' is 'You are excused,' or even 'What do I need to excuse you for? Have you broken wind?' but despite my best efforts it hasn't caught on. As Yaya is a three year old boy, I resist the temptation to have this discussion with him. So I revert to the traditional - but incorrect - response.)
Me: "Yes?"
Yaya: "Have you been at your job today?"
Me: "Yes I have, Yaya. Since very early this morning, I'm quite tired now."
Yaya: "At your cafe?"
(Again, it's a deli, I would like to say to him, which is infinitely cooler. And makes me sound a bit more refined. But again, I decide not to press the finer points of this distinction with a toddler.)
Me: "Yes."
Yaya: "I been there once, Auwa."
Me: "Yes you have, I remember. It was a nice surprise. And then we went to your house, didn't we? And...."
Yaya, impatiently: "No, Auwa. Talk about your cafe."
Me: "Erm, ok then. Well, at my... cafe... there's lots of things, there's chocolate cake and there's sandwiches and broccoli (he loves green food at the moment) and ice cream. Lots of things!"
Yaya: "Excuse me, Auwa. Do you have mont in your cafe?"
Translation = "milk"
Me, really getting into it: "Yes we have lots of mont. And do you know what else we have?....
Yaya, cutting me short: "Ok Auwa can I play on your phone now? The running jumping game?"
Me: "Yeh sure. Let me just set it up for you."
Yaya, entranced by the running jumping game: "Auwa?"
Me: "Yes?"
Yaya: "Are you botching me? I'm good at this one. Are you botching? Botch!"
Translation = "watch"
Me: "Oo, good one! You are good at this game. Remember to watch out for the..."
Yaya: "Shh, Auwa. I'm trying to con-chen-trate."
(At this point I obediently quieten down so he doesn't lose concentration and get eaten by the baddy. He discreetly slips his hand into mine and leans his head on my shoulder. Today's interaction has pleased him, I presume.)
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