Friday, 27 July 2012

I came. I saw. I passed.

Yes, that's right. All that hard work has eventually paid off. My results came out on Monday. I was working so had it in the back of my mind to check them after work. Then when I got home, the weather was nice enough to have a barbecue so I did that and it totally went out of my mind to check my results. Not because I'm not bothered about them or anything but because it's just not in the front of my mind anymore. It feels like forever ago that I was sitting around making up stories about Wayne Rooney to remember case names. It was so exhausting that I couldn't wait to get them out of the way and move on with normal life. So long as I didn't have to resit, I was happy to have finished them.

The day after results came out, a friend sent a text message asking how I did. That's when I remembered they'd been released and I hadn't checked them! I was in work, again, so thought I'd check on the computer when I got home. After work, I pottered off home and sat down with a book. Again, I'd forgotten about the results!

Finally, something clicked and I realised I should go and get my results. Fingers crossed I didn't have to do any resits!

And.... The good news is... There are no resits! I passed everything. Pheeeeeew! I'm probably not going to get a call from Supreme Court asking me to join them anytime soon. But I passed! Embarrassingly enough, my best result was in land law. Please don't tease me.

After discovering this amazing news of passing, I thought I'd check what my title now is. Are you ready...? This is how I can write my name now, should I choose to be pretentious and show off.

Laura Maisey BSc, Pg Dip (Law)

I'm not too impressed. BSc is from my first degree. Pg Dip (Law) is from the one I just did. Pg Dip?! It makes me think of tea = PG Tips. Yesterday, three people, independently of one another, said it made them think of 'Pig Dip'. It developed a bit further as people got experimental and the current favourite is 'Piglet'.

So I've spent the last two years of my life enslaved to my (less than interesting) textbooks learning about mortgages and voluntary manslaughter and parliamentary sovereignty and offer-and-acceptance... all so that I could have the enviable title of:

Laura Maisey, Piglet.


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