This word is being bandied around a lot lately, it's the new name for people who commit crimes on social media sites, like Twitter. Sometimes it's a racist slur, sometimes it's misleading people. Or whatever. The people who commit these online crimes, are being called Trolls.
It puzzles me. How is posting a racist insult on Twitter similar to a ugly creature that lives under a bridge and won't let you cross unless you answer some questions?
Anyway, that is a small aside and not what this post is about. Because hearing all this Troll talk got me thinking about those troll toys you used to get. Does anyone remember these? Check them out on Amazon if this isn't ringing any bells -
They were these ugly little things, naked, with a burst of long brightly coloured hair. Whoever thought these would sell? If I'd have seen the idea in the company boardroom I would've told them to shelve it, it'll never work. But it did. My friends and I all had them. I'd sit with mine for ages, plaiting the hair, unplaiting it, doing bunches, taking them out, doing a 'fish-plait' (cause that was quite cool then). Hours, I spent with mine, hours!
They got more complicated, they had dresses, they came in different sizes, they came in keyring format, fridge magnet format, huge lumbering ones that took up loads of your bed. Pink, purple, yellow, green, blue! And they were the ugliest things you've ever seen. Why was I so obsessed?
And so I come to it, one of my biggest childhood regrets. Such a wasted opportunity. Such potential for joy, thrown away in a moment of frivolity and strange obsession.
It was coming up to my birthday, I don't know which one, maybe 6 or 7. And I had been asked what I wanted for my birthday. Trolls, only trolls, I couldn't think of anything I wanted more! We were out shopping, I think my auntie and mum were there. There was a shop which sold trolls. We went in. And that's when I saw them - two HUGE trolls in wedding outfits! A groom with a black suit and coat tails and purple hair, and a bride in a white dress and long pink hair.
I wanted them. I wanted them more than I'd ever wanted anything. I looked at my mum and auntie and they agreed that they'd get me them for my birthday present. So I had them, these huge trolls. I put them on my bedroom window sill and played with their hair a little bit, but mostly just watched them, standing there, admiring their hugeness.
Now you tell me if you agree with me. But what a WASTE! What a big fat waste of a year's worth of birthday present?!
I didn't ride a bike until really late. I could've done with asking for a bike and getting started on that sooner. Or a book? I've never read some real classics, like The Water Babies and I was a late arriver to the Winnie The Pooh fanclub. There was surely plenty more things that would have been a far better idea.
But no. I wanted two massive ugly trolls in wedding attire with illuminous hair, to stand on my window sill.
I'm beginning to doubt the sanity of my 7 year old mind.
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