1. Would you rather... Have a five metre body and five centimetre legs OR a five centimetre body and five metre long legs?
2. Would you rather.... Have a perfectly spherical body, like an orange OR have skin that is the texture of popcorn?
3. Would you rather... Have hands that look like hooves OR hands that look like florets of broccoli?
4. Would you rather... Be made of paper OR be made of jelly?
5. Would you rather.... Be always too cold OR be always too hot?
6. Would you rather... Have a rare disease where you are allergic to everything except chicken livers so that's all you're allowed to eat OR have a skin condition where you have to apply face moisturiser made of drain water every day?
7. Would you rather... Bathe in the watery bit that you get on top of the mustard OR bathe in the water that chicken has been poached in?
8. Would you rather.... Have a nose like cauliflower OR facial skin like potato peelings?
9. Would you rather... Be gored in the stomach by a vicious bull OR have your face eaten by scorpions?
10. Would you rather... Have a disease where you always fall over and smash your face on the floor OR have a disease where you grow thick curly hair all over your entire body?
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