Sunday, 10 February 2013

The wisdom of children

Molly on rabbits:
"I like wibbits. I want a wibbit. And I tarry it. And tuddle it. And tiss it."

Molly on hippos:
"I don't like hippos."

Molly on frogs:
"I don't like froggies. I like wibbits."

Molly on midday cuddles:
"It's not tuddles time. It's playing time."

Molly on planes:
"A lane, a lane! I've got a lane at home"

Molly on swimming:
"I got doddles!" (goggles)

Ella on blackbirds:
"O, a blackbird! I've always wanted to see a blackbird!"

Ella on the lovely new book she was given as a present:
"O no. I don't think there's room on my bookshelf for this."

Ella on her punishment after being naughty one day:
"Daddy, I think I should only have one book before bed, not two. Cause I've been very naughty today."

Ella on the stars:
"O, look! A constellation. Look, the archer!" (She's five, by the way.)

Ella on her best attributes:
"I'm the funniest girl in the class."

Ella's first joke:
"What sheep eats a flower? A strawberry!" (Don't ask.)

Ella on history:
"Before the dinosaurs, there were cavemen and caveladies."

Ella on her romantic prospects:
"When I grow up, I'm going to marry Adam. When I'm 13."


  1. A blog, you have time for a blog? Loving it though :-)

  2. One to add....

    "Mummy, what do pigs eat?"
    Mummy: "vegetable peelings"
    "not people then?"
    Mummy: "No not people"
    "can't they chew our bones? Do they like soft stuff"
    Mummy: "er yes dear, they don't brush their teeth enough"
