Sunday, 16 June 2013

Laughing dormice and sock monkeys

Chat magazine was amazing this week. It really excelled itself. I hardly know where to start.

The first page has a picture of a dormouse...


And says 'Perhaps someone just told him the joke about the chicken crossing the road!' I mean, really now. That's clutching at straws a bit, isn't it? What would a chicken have to do with a dormouse?

I imagine this was written late at night and the editor was like, "Guys, what does this mean? Why would a dormouse laugh at a chicken joke?" And the others just went, "O, just let it go. We're all knackered and dying to go home. Just put it in. Stop going on about it. Who cares if it makes no sense?" The editor, convinced by this persuasive argument, shrugged and let it pass, but not before adding "If you like our laughing dormouse, check out this video of a llama who also can't stop chuckling..." and a website address. O, stop fussing. No, not of it makes sense. We know that. But it's all animally so just, shh, just let it go.

Next up, the photos page and this...


Yeh. A 'sock monkey.' Who doesn't love a good sock monkey, I ask you. Despite, the fact that none of this makes sense (maybe I should have read the issue they're talking about), it's just stuffed in there, amongst the other photos. Someone made someone else a sock monkey and they love it. Here's a photo of it. Well, thank you Chat. Thank you indeed. Where would we be with these little essential titbits of information, hey?

Next up, a dog pulling tongues....


That's it. It's a dog. It's pulling tongues. Fab.

I'm not going to dwell to much on the next story, suffice to say, it's a couple who met on, wait for it, the Ian Beale Facebook page. For non-UK residents, Ian Beale is a character on a soap called Eastenders. Mandy knew Kieron was her soulmate, she says, because she could see he "was as obsessed by the Eastenders star as I was!"

It turns out he has gender dysphoria and is a virgin while she is a 30 year old living at home with her parents. When they decide to meet, her parents drive her to meet him.

Draw your own conclusions.

And then check out this photo.


I'll say no more.

Finally, I'll leave you with this advert for a Tweety necklace.


Let me know if you want one and I'll send you the details. They're only £90. Bargain.

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