Thursday, 20 June 2013

Making a beeswax candle

There's not a lot to it but I thought I'd show you as we ended the second day of the beekeeping course by doing it and it was lots of fun.

It's not complicated at all. When you have a manmade hive, you get frames to fit into the boxes and these will each have a sheet of wax made from melted down beeswax and moulded into sheets that the bees will build cells onto.

When you get some of these wax sheets, instead of putting them into the frames, you can make candles out of them! It's much quicker than dipping wicks into hot wax over and over again and it's less faff. Check it out.

You start with a sheet of wax and a wick.


You stick the wick down and curl the end of the sheet over it, like so...


You keeping curling the end over and over till at last it picks up momentum and you can just roll the whole thing up.


You can then warm the edge a little and smooth it down...

image you a fully working candle with just a few minutes of work...


Ta dah!

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