1. My friend, Naomi, and I have concluded that the only way to travel the world as much as we'd like to and eat lovely food all the time and not have to think about rent or bills, is to have a huge cash injection all at once. (We're geniuses, right? No-one has ever thought of this before.) To this end, we have bought two lottery tickets for tomorrow. (I've never bought a lottery ticket before.) The prize is £80 million. We're pretty sure we'll win. We're splitting the money between us and buying a load of houses to start with. Watch this space.
2. I was asked to guest post for a blog yesterday. I'm pretty excited and will be starting on it this morning.
3. We're having a friend over for dinner tonight. I'm planning on making some kind of Italian duck and olive stew thing.
4. Yaya and his little sister are on holiday at the moment. They went to an aquapark place and did loads of fun things. When getting photos as memoirs, Yaya was totally loving it.
Yaya's little sister, on the other hand, will not be told what to do! She is not a performing monkey and will not smile on request. And don't we know it.
Check out the handbag though. She is the picture of moody-cool.
5. I've eaten out a lot lately. I'm not sure why. It just keeps happening. Yesterday, I had a kind of mezze board thing with a friend and the babaganoush thing and the houmous were both fabulous.
6. At Ham House yesterday, I made some flavoured marzipan things, with ground ginger, rosewater and sherry in them. As it was a weekday and a bit quieter than usual, I kept eating the tasters and ended up having a massive sugar rush, from which I then crashed hardcore and was yawning away by 3pm!
7. I went to meet a friend at the airport last night. I hasn't told him and was intending for it to be a surprise. By the time I had been waiting for about 45 minutes, I knew something was up so I called him and, sure enough, he'd come out, got the bus to the car park, picked up his car and was ready to start driving home. I don't know how he got past me but I ended up stranded at the arrivals section as I'd only bought a one way train ticket to the airport and he had to drive back to the airport to get me! So that went well.
And that, readers, is today's non-post. I am blaming the fact that I am lazy for this shoddiness.
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