Telescopes. Same as space, sort of. I just can't believe how I can look in a little tube thing in my garden and see something quite clearly that is a billion billion hundred million miles away in the sky. (Don't quote me on that figure.)
Bees. Of the last ten days on my blog, I think four have been about bees. They're so amazing.
The Romans. The fact that so much of what they made survives today. The fact that they got to so many places around the world. The systems they invented which still exist today, eg the rule of law.
The people at Pompeii. Because that's real actual people who were actually alive two thousand actual years ago. And actually had lives and walked around Pompeii as real people and lived there. Actually lived there. Mind blowing.
I asked Danda what he thought I should write next and he said, "Danda."
I asked, "Cause you drive a taxi so well?"
He said, "No, because I just blow your mind. I'm just amazing. I'm just. Amazing. And I make a good cup of tea."
Now, this is true. He does make a good cup of tea. So he is allowed on the list.
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