About ten days ago, my friend and I saw a sign for the local pub's pub quiz. The prize was £470!
Amazing, we thought, it will be like winning the lottery. Only smaller. Much, much smaller.
And so the plan was made. We would go to the pub quiz, Danda and my friend and I. And we would win. And then we would each have a third of the £470. And we would be rich. And be able to quit our jobs and keep bees.
Off we went, last Tuesday, with our brains in gear. We have four university degrees between us and a whole host of varying life experience. We were going to smash this!
And it got started. Where is the PM's Buckinghamshire residence? Chequers! Boom! We were on fire (actually, Danda was the only one on the team who knew that but never mind).
Next question. Who sang Dancing In The Moonlight? Toploader! Boom!
Where does the Council of Europe sit? Strasbourg! Boom!
We stumbled on a few but a lovely/drunk customer from the deli enlightened us with his Star Trek knowledge and on we went, getting a surprisingly large amount of the answers right.
It took forever to read the answers out and mark them, then announce the winners. He started with the last place team... Not us! Fab.
Seventh place... Not us. Woop!
Finally he got to the second place team..... And it was us. Gutted.
First place team only got one and a half points more than us. But wait! What's this?! They had too many members on their team so they've been docked two points!
So we've won! Yessssssss! YES! YES YES YES! WE WON! AAAH! We're rich! Bring it on! We sat back, grinning from ear to ear.
But then something was happening up front. Someone's name was being picked out of a hat. Someone from a different team. He was asked a question to win the money... Wait a minute. The money is ours, surely?
No, the lady at the next table explained. Winning the quiz doesn't mean you win the money. You just win vouchers. To win the money, you have to get picked out of the hat and answer the mystery question right.
Erm. Excuse me. This is two hours of my life I can never get back. Where's my money?
Anyway, the guy who got picked out of the hat didn't get the question right so the money rolled over to next week.
And us? Well, we won vouchers. And respect. Obviously. But the problem with the vouchers is that Danda is teetotal and I don't really drink at all either. And the quizmaster couldn't find the proper vouchers so he hand wrote us two vouchers each.
Fair enough, it was tons of fun and I'd definitely go again and we got free sandwiches afterwards. And now my friend had six drinks vouchers and can get drunk at the next quiz.
But I'll guess we'll keep playing the lottery.
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