Through Buccleuch Gardens....
Out the other side and along the edge of Petersham Meadows...
Petersham Meadows on my left and the Thames on my right...
Cows in Petersham Meadows...
Ducks on the path...
The Thames, behind a ton of forage-able dock leaves....
Horses came here recently!
Marble Hill House on the opposite side of the river so I know Ham House is soon....
When I see an open space in the trees ahead on the left, I know Ham House is only another minute away...
Sure enough...
The little bridge....
The trees are hiding the house...
Horses from the riding school next door....
There it is!
To the right of the front door, the windows you can see at the bottom here, those are the kitchen windows! I spend all day looking out at feet!
I take the side gate around the building (that's my kitchen window again, bottom left)...
... Which brings me to the door the volunteers use to get in, the black one on the left....
I then go down a few steps to the bathroom area....
... Into the eerily quiet and empty downstairs, which contains the bathroom, the beer cellar, the kitchen and the mess rooms...
Turning left, I get into the scullery, which then opens out into my favourite room in Ham House....
The kitchen! This is where I spend all my time baking, the room I know most about and the place where I feel most comfortable, whilst working at the...
Beautiful and huge old table, built in the kitchen in 1610 using elm wood from an elm tree on the estate. This table is my favourite thing in the house. And probably my favourite table of all the tables I have known.
Readers, if you do not yet have a favourite table, I suggest you get onto it.
And that is my journey, once or twice a week. It's quite nice, as it happens.
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