Brilliant. There doesn't seem to be any reason why the massive photo of the pig is there, just a little sentence about how the pig looks so comfy, "there's no way we could 'rasher' to go anywhere."
And on we go, to the photos page and there are a few good ones this week. The first is a here-are-some-cupcakes-I-made photo. The second is a here's-me-with-a-huge-plastic-ape picture. And no, I'm not kidding. Someone really thought that the world would be interested in a picture of her with a huge plastic ape. Check it out.
There are some others of dogs cows, which aren't even worth mentioning in any greater detail.
So onward we go, past a story about a girl who had a maggot living in her back and a story of scandal with a 9.9 shock factor (!), to the Blimey, That's Clever page.
And what have we here today? I think my favourite might be the kiwi fruit tip. Put it in an egg cup, we're told. And that's it. That's the tip. Eat a kiwi out of an egg cup. £25 they got for that.
Maybe I'll make up some top tips and try to get £25 from Chat. Watch this space. I'll think some up for tomorrow.
Another of the top tips is to use toothpaste to clean your mugs if they have tea stains. While I can't see anything initially wrong with this, it just sounds a bit dodgy, cleaning a mug with toothpaste. You're bound to have toothpaste-tasting tea for the next few days, I reckon.
Another tip seems to be, my granddaughter chewed the straw bit off her favourite beaker, so I put a new straw in. I don't know whether that really warrants a place on the Blimey, That's Clever page, do you? It's not as though, previously, people have been throwing away their children's beakers every day with no clue how to fix it and then they open Chat, see this tip and go 'Wow! I'll just stick a new straw down the hole where the old straw was. That's genius.'
Next we have some more scandal, a murder, some letters, some weight loss stories and then the baby photos page. Ahhhh, the baby photos page. Photos of babies. Doing nothing at all. Just being babies. A whole page. One is a baby on a slide, one is a baby swimming, another is a baby and a cat, one is two children smiling a bit. A whole page.
To the side of this page, we have the recipe section. Now previously, I have seen some amazing gourmet recipes that opened my eyes to a whole new world. The week they had a recipe for mushrooms on toast was a week that changed my life. This week's recipe? Onion and potato curry.
Mmmm. Doesn't that sound great? Onion and potatoes. In a curry. Like when you look in the fridge and you don't have anything in so you bung together some nonsense and fill up on ice cream afterward. Mmm. Nothing-in-the-fridge curry. The ingredients? Olive oil, 4 potatoes, 2 onions, spices and mustard seeds. And the attraction in making this meal? It's only 54p per head.
Now it doesn't take a genius to work out that it's not 54p because Chat are so great at providing good meals on a budget. It's because there's NOTHING IN IT.
If you want great meals on a budget, I can give you far better, go-to ingredients - squid is really cheap, people. Fry it with fennel. Re-use old bread by chopping tomatoes, adding red wine vinegar and basil and ripping your old bread up and mixing it in for a panzanella salad. If you want a curry, spend your money on some chicken and chuck it in a pan with tomatoes (tinned or fresh) and add whatever combination of spices you find in the cupboard, depending on what country's cuisine you are chanelling.
See? All those will probably be about £1 per person but don't resemble student food or invoke severe depression in the person who is eating it.
Anyway, back to Chat, the finale is the 'Ratwalk models' story on page 46. Yes, RATwalk models. You know what's coming. It's a story about a lady who designs and makes clothes for rats. Yes. Rats. It started with making 'couture creations' for her pet chihuahua, inspired by a dress worn by Penelope Cruz to the Oscars.
A few years later, business was booming, she went full time into her pet clothing designing and her friend asked her to help "raise the profile of her annual rat convention."
Honestly, this is not a joke. It's all true. Her friend runs a yearly rat convention.
So she designed and made the dresses. There was a fashion show with 12 of the 'models'. Post-show, fame and fortune came her way, she got calls from everyone, even David Letterman.
The article finishes with the touching line, "After all, every single pet should feel like a star."
That's something we should all remember as we go on with our days today.
I hope you have learned something here.
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