"This coffee does taste different. Ok. I'll change the grind just a little bit. O, there's a coffee order. I hope they like it. Right, it's a latte. Done. Let me run myself a coffee. Ummmm. I think it still needs tweaking. O, a customer. Hi! HI! HELLO! What can I get for you? God, I'm really shouting. Reign it in a bit, Laura. They've ordered a coffee. I'll change the grind a little bit again and make myself one at the same time. Sip, sip, it's still not great. Ok, more customers, loads of them. The coffee's kicking in. HI! CAN I HELP ANYONE? A SANDWICH? YEP, WHICH ONE? OK. AND WHICH BREAD? ALRIGHT, TAKE A SEAT AND I'LL BRING IT TO YOU! Try to bring it down a few decibels, Laura. Take the order to the kitchen. I'VE GOT A SANDWICH ORDER FOR IN! HE'S ON TABLE 2! Woah, no need to shout. But I can't help it. I'm still worried about the coffee. Let me try to finish fixing it. Everything's happening quite quickly now. Another espresso, run it and drink it. O, a customer. HIHOWCANIHELPYOUYESOFCOURSEYOUCANHAVEACAPPUCCINOREGULARORLARGEANYSUGARS? Why are people looking at me funny? God, I'm so efficient right now. I am super coffee machine fixer. Has there ever been anyone as speedy and amazing as me? HERE'SYOURCOFFEELARGECAPPUCCINOWITHONESUGARTHANKSHAVEAGREATDAY! Gosh, my eyes feel really wide and staring. Another customer. HIWHATCANIGETFORYOU?ABREAKFASTYESWHATBREADWOULDYOULIKEFORYOURTOAST?ANDACOFFEEYESANAMERICANOOKI'LLBRINGITOVERTOYOU! Wow, time's moving fast. O goodness, and now it's sloooowingggg riiiiight down. My limbs are all really sluggish. I was supposed to leave work at 4pm and I'm still dawdling around in the kitchen at 4.15pm doing not much. Knackered.
Damn that coffee machine....."
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