Monday, 3 September 2012

My bucket list

Due another work emergency, I am writing in a rush again. So I thought I'd share something that's been on my mind for a while. Since I finished my law degree actually. It's stuff I'd like to do in the near future. I figure if I write it down, then I've said it out loud so there's some obligation to at least try and do it. Ok, here goes....

1. Join a book club.
2. Master front crawl.
3. Go back to Namibia (or at least make solid plans about it).
4. Go on (or plan) an epic walking adventure.
5. Try running (haha!)
6. Go to Secret Cinema at least once.
7. Sign up for a college course (not sure what in, I just think would be fun. Maybe food).
8. Go to that restaurant in London where everything's completely in the dark.

So there it is. Realistically, 2 and 5 are the most achievable as they just require me making the effort to do it. Let's see how the rest go.

I've said them now. There's no backing out.....

I dare you to make your own and put it in the comments section. There'll be no backing out then. Go on! Do it.

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