Anyway, let's get started. There's a surprising lack of 'I used to be 20 stone but now I'm not' stories. Not one single weight loss story. Disappointing. Never fear, though! Chat never lets us down. We have instead a picture of a cat pushing another cat in a little trolley. I'm not joking. Look.
Then there's the usual page of photos about nothing, e.g. here's a photo of me and John from Jedward. She waited eight hours for him apparently. I'm speechless. I didn't think anyone took then seriously enough to wait eight hours. Another photo is just of a cat asleep. The caption says 'Here's our little cat Tigger, he's fallen asleep in our bed.' Nonsense.
Top tips next. This is always a good page. One of the tips is from a woman who says she covers her oven shelves in foil to save on the washing up. Another is a woman who has the answer to one of life's big problems. You know when you try to fill up a large bucket with water but it doesn't fit in the sink? Well, you shall struggle no more!
Put your dustpan under the tap and direct the water down the handle and into the bucket waiting underneath.
Another lady has cut her old net curtains up and sowed the floral patterns onto her top. I mean, thanks for sharing, but I think I won't be using that old-net-curtains tip.
There's a really random letter on the doctors page too. Check it out.
What. On. Earth. An extra thumb!? And she's writing to Chat about it? And then Chat are like, 'O yeh, tie a thread around it and it will fall off.' Something feels a bit dodgy about all this. I'm going to have a serious think next time I put anything around my finger....
Another letter says, honestly, "I have a phobia of mice. O really freak out and have to run if I see one. Can I be cured?" Now, I shouldn't imagine that this really needs writing to Chat about. How often do you see mice in everyday life in England? I saw one in the garden ages ago and before that it must have been years. So a mouse-phobia, however serious, is not really a major setback, is it? If the intervals at which you see one are years apart. Anyway. Maybe she lives in the country and sees them all the time. Who knows.
Lastly, a woman who collects and makes wierd dolls.
She thinks they're 'cute' and gives them to people for their birthdays etc. She gave one to her mother in law for Mother's Day. I honestly don't know what I'd do if someone gave me one of these for my birthday. Well, I do, I'd hide it somewhere no-one would see it. But I don't know what I'd say right there in the moment, when you've just opened it and present-giver is looking at you, eagerly awaiting your reaction. I mean it's fine her making and collecting them but what on earth would I do with one? I guess I'd give it a little hug and say 'Wow, thanks, I love it. I was hoping someone would give me a little strange gothic doll thing for my birthday this year. And now, at last, my dream has come true. Thanks. You know me so well. You knew I'd love this. And I do. I really do.'
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