I'm feeling a bit low on inspiration so I'll just tell you about this wierd dream I had because it's stuck in my mind.
I was just going about my normal business in the dream and everyone was talking about this place. It was like a little town underwater in a lake somewhere nearby. And people lived there.
I went on a day trip there, or something, I'm not sure. Anyway, I was there. Just walking about, getting stuff at the underwater shop etc. There was a funny glass dome thing over some areas of it so you could walk about as normal. But then there were parts where you had to go out into the water to get to the next building. I was still walking fine, there didn't seem to be any problem of me floating off or anything. It was more the inconvenience of having to hold my breath. I wasn't even getting wet. Just having to hold my breath.
Then someone said to me that I should move there and live there all the time. I was really really gutted because I love where I live now. I was being such a martyr about having to move there. I was getting all teary and going 'I'll really miss everyone and everything but ok, I'll move to the underwater village.' I remember that I was emotionally torn by this decision but I knew it was the right thing to stay there.
Mental. I wonder what mixture of things I watched on TV or talked about for THAT to have come up in my dreams.
Also, I have a secret that I'm dying to tell you but I don't want to spoil the surprise on the very small, very unlikely chance that the person who the surprise is for might read this. So you'll just have to wait.
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