We're going back to my university days again for this one. My flatmates and I were having a bit of a party. I think it was someone's birthday. It was one of those nights were huge sections of it don't make sense.
For example, at one point, we were all in the kitchen, listening to music while standing on the chairs and waving teatowels around furiously. Yes. Teatowels. Given that our kitchen window was easily within sight of the campus bar, it's quite likely that the people in the bar were wondering, in amazement, why the girls in B block were being so crazy.
At one point, one of my flatmates drunkenly said to the other (who was sober), "You're so drunk!" ... She was not drunk.
There had been balloons at this party so after a vigorous session of teatowel waving, it was time to pop the balloons with a knife. Obviously. A shaky video taken on a phone still exists somewhere of me tearing around the kitchen, knocking stuff over, climbing on chairs and tables, chasing these balloons around. Everyone had cleared out of the kitchen, as I was armed and dangerous. One of them hates balloons being popped because it releases the "old stale breath" inside. On the video, there is a little voice in the background going "All the breath! All the breath."
The finale of the video is me chasing down the last balloon and throwing it gently in the air, with my knife poised underneath it and at the moment the balloon touches the knife and bursts, I let out a short but loud, "WAH!" then smile smugly, although I have defeated a baddie and saved mankind.
So you get the picture, it's all a bit excitable and silly. Into this mix, we put some hunger. We are hungry and we need to eat NOW, at 1am. What to have? Obviously cheese toasties. There was a toastie machine so we got everything set up, closed the lid and waited impatiently for the green light to click on.
When it eventually did, we were ravenous. So Sophie unclips the clip thing, opens the machine and toasted onto the top of one of the toasties.... was a staple! I still to this day have no idea how that could have happened. As silly drunks, we laughed uncontrollably for maybe twenty minutes. That kind of laughter were you can't even see straight and your tummy muscles ache and you get breathless. And then Sophie, in her infinite wit, said, "It's our staple diet!"
Well, we were off again. Up until that point in my life, I think that might have been the funniest thing I had ever heard. Actually, maybe it still is.... Staple diet.... Hilarious.
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