... it's not really. I've not struggled or seen off any adversity to write this blog. I just sit down and write it. But it is for the people who read it. Because that's amazing. That people read things when I write them. People from all over the world. Just today, my stats page tells me that pageviews came from Korea, Turkey, Brazil, Poland, Greece, Qatar, UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands. That's just mind blowing. People pooh-pooh the whole technological age, say that social media is not the real world, etc. But I think it's fantastic. How else would a silly story about a 'fight' I had in school be available to those people? I'm not saying people's lives are greatly enriched by anything I write, nor will I inspire them to transform a new generation of potential world-savers. But lots of things make me giggle. Lots of things in life are very amusing. And if people like it when I point these things out, then that's enough. My work here is done. I'm off to laugh at a small child pulling a cat's tail.
Anyway, a few months ago, when I thought to myself, "What is all this blogging nonsense about?" and got involved, it was such a great decision. It's honestly been so fantastic. As silly as this may sound, it makes me make sure that my life is more exciting. If I have a day free and can't think of anything to write about, I go on a walk some place interesting, I find somewhere I've always passed by but not looked at properly, I photograph something pretty, I read something out of the ordinary. So that I'll have something interesting to write about. Writing in itself makes me pretty happy and finding good stuff to write about can turn every day into a little adventure.
So thanks for reading, people. I always say I write for myself mainly and numbers aren't my main priority but when people do actually read it, it feels so great.
Ok, that's my thank you speech over and done with. Now onto the award.
I'd like to thank david-and-emily.com for the Liebster Blog Award. Their blog, Husband & Wife est. 9/18/11, is great. These guys do an awful lot, on not much sleep, and take exams inbetween it all. Their posts always fill me with feelings of laziness and the thought that I could be doing more.
For this award, I must answer the 11 questions posed to me and ask 11 of my own to 11 nominees. I'm supposed to nominate blogs which have fewer than 200 followers but I don't know many a lot of them have so I'm just gonna stick in ones I like and hope for the best.
Here goes:
1) Favorite body part to work out and exercise of choice?
I love walking because I love getting to know London and am slowly turning into a total history geek. So I like how the pace of walking let's you take in everything you're seeing, better than on a bike when you just whizz by (although I love cycling). Recently I took up swimming quite seriously, and can't enough of it. I like how my arms feel like they've taken a pounding because it makes me think that my bingo wings must be getting smaller.... surely?
2) Job you wish everyone had to do for an entire day in hopes they would gain some perspective?
Cleaning toilets in McDonalds... I'm not sure why. It just came to me. Although, I guess it just makes you appreciate how nice it is not to work in grime. I think actually, something to do with law is important. It makes you understand how and why the law and politics are as they are and why empty statements like, "They should bring back hanging," don't make legal or political sense. It really infuriates me, actually, listening to people of the sort who say that, discussing anything remotely important like politics. I physically cannot enter into discussions with them.
3) Favorite Holiday and traditions that go with it – please! Elaborate!
Holiday? As in a day on which you celebrate e.g. Christmas? Not a holiday I went on to another country? I like Christmas a lot. I read the entire Chronicles of Narnia. I start on the 16th December. They make me feel very magical. That's it really. The other stuff, like where to spend the day etc, is changeable. So long as I have Narnia, I'm happy.
4) What topic are you really passionate about writing?
I write mostly comedy, I guess, if my writing were to fit into any genre. Lots of things I feel passionate about; genocide, capital punishment, crime and rehabilitation, the importance of understanding between people who are different, (culture, language, ethnicity etc). I don't necessarily write about these things, though, because I don't feel it's the right arena for it or whatever.
5) You wake up in the morning and get a mulligan. What do you use it on?
My... erm... face? Erm. To pluck my... erm... nose hair?
6) Which teacher motivated you the most or least?
My drama teacher, Miss McGowan. She was just ace. She was teacher age yet she was still fab. Unusual. I just wanted to be in her lessons and be like her. The perfect person to want to be like as floundering 17 year old who just toddled about wanting to be and do everything! I met up with her a few months ago for dinner and it was lovely. She didn't ruin the illusion of her fabulousness at all. I liked her even more.
7) What lesson learned caught you off guard when you learned it?
Sometimes things can be just as lovely as you wanted them to be. Life and relationships aren't a constant struggle, like you're led to believe by older people when you're younger. Things happen. Of course things happen. I'm not immune to misfortune. You've never quite got enough money or you don't quite agree on everything, or your landlord is rubbish. But whatever. Overall, if you can recognise the things that make you unhappy and banish them, life can be very nice. And is.
8) Finish this sentence: The world would be a better place if everyone:
Considered each other and their own actions a bit more.
9) Grammatical error that drives you batty?
Comma and. For example - I went to the shop, and got some chocolate.
10) Did you take a foreign language in high school/college? If so what? If not – did you regret it?
Took French, it's still quite useful to this day. Not massively useful as I don't remember much but it doesn't feel like a foreign language when I hear it or am in France, which makes it easier to attempt.
11) What is something you think people misjudge you for?
Erm... Erm... That I... erm... Ok, this one is quite difficult. My non-ladylike-ness, I guess. I'm not super uncouth or anything. I just don't do my hair or make-up or wear high heels or anything. I'm too lazy.
Right, enough of my nonsense. Now it's my turn to quiz my nominees. Here are my nominees.
1) indigo euphoric - This blog is pretty new on the scene and is already providing me with plenty of food for thought. They are the type of posts that I discuss with my friends later in an 'I totally say/do that too' type of way
2) Someone Fat Happened - I knew. I just knew when I saw the name of this blog that I was going to like it. Because that's what happens isn't it? You're just going about your business as usual, nothing much going on, then all of a sudden, there are extra rolls. Ridiculous! Who did this to me? This blog captures that feeling exactly. The Korean bathhouse post might be the best thing I've read recently.
3) Fitness and Frozen Grapes - I've nominated her before and I'm going to nominate her again. Because she's fab.
4) drinkrunyoga - This blog is fabulous for many reasons, one of them being the amazing before/after pics on a recent wedding anniversary post.
5) St Andrew's Lynx - The lastest offering, about being imperfect, has stayed in my memory. The photo is beautiful too.
6) Swonderful Smarvellous - Two reasons why this blog is great. 1. The most recent post was about Rome. I am going to Rome in a few days. Hence, I became very excited indeed when reading. 2. The post before that was quotes from Downton Abbey. Amazing.
7) The Unbearable Lightness of Being Me - Little snapshots of life in the Philippines. I went there a few years ago to visit a friend and had a really lovely time so I love remembering that while reading this blog.
8) The Good Greatsby - I just can't get enough of this blog. My only problem with it is that he doesn't write often enough. I check here first before I make any important life decisions. His words of wisdom always teach me something.
9) Pa-BLAM! - This blog is great and she's a great blogger to have on side. I love seeing that she's commented or liked one of my posts. Although she recently blogged about having a cold, and now I have one.... Suspicious.
10) Humorous Interludes - I love this blog. The horoscopes are very important to me. I am forever grateful to him for his advice about, for example, what to do when on a date with a paleontologist. Which is, like, always. Obviosuly.
11) Better Than IMDB - I always remember his recommendations e.g. if someone suggests a film, I'll be like, 'No, I've read quite bad reviews about that.' Then people are like, 'Where have you read that?' And I'm not sure. Because I rarely read film reviews in magazines. Then I realise that I'm actually getting the majority of my info from this site!
And my 11 questions to them are as follows:
1) Imagine you are a vegetable. Which one, and why?
2) I have a cold. Can you recommend anything?
3) What is your favourite book? You can only choose one!
4) If you could have one thing you were amazing at, what would it be?
5) What would you chosen Olympic sport be?
6) If you could only eat food from one country for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
7) Do you love tea? If not, do you think it will get in the way of our friendship?
8) You left the house without any trousers/skirt on this morning! Oops! What is your plan of action?
9) How do you feel about cake?
10) You've won £1 million on the lottery! How much of it are you willing to donate to a fund for my general wellbeing? (This one is quite important.)
11) If I ask nicely, will you please wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes for the duration of your working day?
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